Friday, February 12, 2010

Frequency Chapter 1 by MArmas616

 For now, I am going to keep Frequency up at until I figure out this blogger stuff :) Check the sidebar for Frequency Chappies!!!!

Why Lulu started this blog...

As much of you know, is being an epic fail and many readers are put off by how many of the popular authors stories are being pulled. So Lulu has began this blog to allow any author to be able to post their stories on here. Now this is a trial run and we are unsure about how this will all work, but bare with us as we begin a new website to read Twilight Fan Fiction. As the blog title explains "anything goes"... we accept all forms of Twilight fan fiction. Rating G through NC-17.

If anyone has any ideas on how to make this site better, please contact either me or Lulu.


Melanie aka pervy mcpervums


Here is a place to post your fanfic. No rules just fun... contact me if you would like to post and I will set it up so you can.